Chaucer: The Knight's Tale and the Clerk's Tale.

Author / Editor
Salter, Elizabeth

Chaucer: The Knight's Tale and the Clerk's Tale.

London; Arnold; New York: Barnes & Noble, 1962.

Physical Description
71 pp.

Studies in English Literature, no. 5.
Barron's Educational Series.

Discursive, analytic commentaries on KnT and ClT, treating source relations, styles, themes, rhetorical patternings, and aesthetic success in Chaucer's "full realisation of the human predicament" in both tales. The discussion of KnT emphasizes the combination of chivalric romance and philosophy, the involvement of the stars/gods, and Theseus's final speech; it includes comparisons with TC. Treats ClT as a "religious fable" in its diction, style, and allusions, and explores tensions among allegory, realism, and psychology--nearly "irreconcilable," even though resolved by the Clerk rejoinder to the Wife of Bath in his Envoy.

Chaucer Subjects
Knight and His Tale
Clerk and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Style and Versification
Troilus and Criseyde
Wife of Bath and Her Tale