Chaucer's "natal Jove" and "Seint Jerome . . . agayn Jovinian."

Author / Editor
Pratt, Robert A.

Chaucer's "natal Jove" and "Seint Jerome . . . agayn Jovinian."

Journal of English and Germanic Philology 61 (1962): 244-48.

Cites the Wife of Bath's allusion to "Crisippus" (WBP 3.677) to suggest that St. Jerome's "Epistola adversus Jovinianum (1.48) is the source of Pandarus's reference to "natal Joves feste" (TC 3.150) and that the locution is part of Pandarus's persuasion that Criseyde have sex with Troilus.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations