Harry Bailly and Chaucer-Pilgrim's "Quiting" in the "Tale of Sir Thopas."

Author / Editor
Eckert, Kenneth.

Harry Bailly and Chaucer-Pilgrim's "Quiting" in the "Tale of Sir Thopas."

Review of English Studies 68, no. 285 (2017): 471-87.

Reads Th as a "brilliant joke at the Host's expense": not a satire or parody of tail-rhyme romances but a repudiation of the Host's "crude homosocial bantering," his "puerile tastes," and his "pretensions" as a literary critic. Includes comments on stanza form; manuscript layout; and terms such as "satire," "parody," and "burlesque."

Chaucer Subjects
Tale of Sir Thopas
Style and Versification
Manuscripts and Textual Studies