Against the Friars: Antifraternalism in Medieval France and England.

Author / Editor
Rayborn, Tim.

Against the Friars: Antifraternalism in Medieval France and England.

Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2014.

Physical Description
v, 249 pp.

Describes the history and reception of friars in France and England from their inception to c. 1400, with a chapter on late fourteenth-century English literary responses: "England: The Turbulent 14th Century, and the Writings of Chaucer, Langland and Gower" (pp. 117-33). Includes discussion of the GP description of the Friar ("stops short of outright condemnation") and a summary paraphrase of SumT that emphasizes its satiric elements, wheel imagery, and concern with glossing.

Alternative Title
England: The Turbulent 14th Century, and the Writings of Chaucer, Langland and Gower.

Chaucer Subjects
Friar and His Tale
Summoner and His Tale