The Political Unconscious of the Allusion: Shakespeare's Habits of Mind and the Cultural Politics of Reading Chaucer in Early Modern England.

Author / Editor
Miele, Benjamin.

The Political Unconscious of the Allusion: Shakespeare's Habits of Mind and the Cultural Politics of Reading Chaucer in Early Modern England.

Shakespeare Studies 45 (2017): 144-50.

Identifies an allusion to HF (lines 703-4) in "King Lear" (5.3.17), arguing that, although Chaucer's poem was "marginalized" in sixteenth-century editions because of its stance on literary fame, Shakespeare read it and echoed it "unconsciously," displaying "three things: an independent habit of mind, skepticism toward the literary canon, and a preference for subversive artistic practice."

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
House of Fame
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations