Two Chaucer Notes: 1. Proper Names in the "Canterbury Tales"; 2. A "Minced" Oath in Sir Thopas.”

Author / Editor
White, Beatrice.

Two Chaucer Notes: 1. Proper Names in the "Canterbury Tales"; 2. A "Minced" Oath in Sir Thopas.”

Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 64 (1963): 170–75.

Analyzes the placement of proper names in the verse lines of Chaucer's CT, tabulating and commenting upon the total number of incidences of names and the numbers of their initial and terminal placements in the verse lines of twelve of the tales. Then comments on the mildness of the oaths of the protagonist in Th, consistent with his "mock-heroic" characterization.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General
Style and Versification
Language and Word Studies
Tale of Sir Thopas