Saint Jerome in Jankyn's Book of Wikked Wyves.

Author / Editor
Pratt, Robert A.

Saint Jerome in Jankyn's Book of Wikked Wyves.

Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 5 (1963): 316-2.

Discusses medieval manuscripts that combine materials from Walter Map's "Valerius," the "golden book" of Theophrastus, and excerpts from Jerome's "Adversus Jovinianum," focusing on the seven manuscripts that include the latter two, and showing how Chaucer uses them, first, in WBP to characterize the Wife and Jankyn, and then, in FranT, to contrast the Wife with Dorigen, putting "to shame the Wife of Bath's callousness, lasciviousness, and promiscuity."

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Franklin and His Tale