Sovereignty in Love or Obedience in Marriage: An Analysis of the Sovereignty-Obedience Theme and Its Relationship to the Characterization of Women in the Major Works of Geoffrey Chaucer.

Author / Editor
Cavalcanti, Leticia Niederauer Tavares.

Sovereignty in Love or Obedience in Marriage: An Analysis of the Sovereignty-Obedience Theme and Its Relationship to the Characterization of Women in the Major Works of Geoffrey Chaucer.

Dissertation Abstracts International 23.07 (1963): 2522-23.

Summarizes the "antagonistic and contradictory views on women" held by the medieval Church, and explores Chaucer's views of women by examining his uses of the motifs of sovereignty and obedience in marriage from BD through CT, focusing on three types: the "traditional sovereign lady of the courtly romance," the "conventional authoritarian lady" of allegorical poetry, and the "victim of men and fortune, apparently Chaucer's own invention."

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Language and Word Studies