"Vttirli Onknowe?" Modes of Inquiry and the Dynamics of Interiority in Vernacular Literature.

Author / Editor
Flannery, Mary C., and Katie L. Walter.

"Vttirli Onknowe?" Modes of Inquiry and the Dynamics of Interiority in Vernacular Literature.

In Mary C. Flannery and Katie L. Walter, eds. The Culture of Inquisition (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2013), pp. 77-93.

Discusses inquisition and "examination in the ecclesiastical courts" for the ways that they, like confession, help to disclose the development of interiority as an aspect of medieval selfhood, discussing literary works such as "Dives and Pauper," "Jacob's Well," and John Lydgate's "Fall of Princes," with comments on the importance of "entente," defamation, and their relations with "common knowledge" in PardP.

Walter, Katie L.

Alternative Title
The Culture of Inquisition.

Chaucer Subjects
Pardoner and His Tale