Zeigen und Bezeichnen: Zugange zu allegorischem Erzahlen im Mittelalter.

Author / Editor
Mertens Fleury, Katharina.

Zeigen und Bezeichnen: Zugange zu allegorischem Erzahlen im Mittelalter.

Wurzburg: Konigshausen & Neumann, 2014.

Physical Description
414 pp.; b&w figs.

Philologie der Kultur.

Studies the uses of allegory in western literature--classical, continental, and English, from Prudentius to George Herbert--with emphasis on growth and variety in the tradition, signals to allegory in the texts, and embedded uses of allegory as well as wholly allegorical narratives. Includes discussion of allegorical aspects of HF and its relations with earlier allegorical traditions.

Chaucer Subjects
House of Fame
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations