Just How Loathly Is the "Wyf "? Deconstructing Chaucer's "Hag"in "The Wife of Bath's Tale."

Author / Editor
Stock, Lorraine Kochanske.

Just How Loathly Is the "Wyf "? Deconstructing Chaucer's "Hag"in "The Wife of Bath's Tale."

Dorsey Armstrong, Ann W. Astell, and Howell Chickering, eds. Magistra doctissima: Essays in Honor of Bonnie Wheeler (Kalmazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 2013), pp.33-42.

Objects to the labeling of the loathly "wyf" in WBT as a "hag," arguing that the latter term is inappropriate and tendentious, especially since the Tale lacks a description of ugliness found in its analogues.

Alternative Title
Magistra doctissima

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relatios