"Of harmes two, the lesse is for to chese": An Integrated OT-Maxent Approach to Syntactic Inversion in Chaucer's Verse.

Author / Editor
Li, Xingzhong.

"Of harmes two, the lesse is for to chese": An Integrated OT-Maxent Approach to Syntactic Inversion in Chaucer's Verse.

Don Chapman, Colette Moore, and Miranda Wilcox, eds. Studies in the History of the English Language VII: Generalizing vs. Particularizing Methodologies in Historical Linguistic Analysis (Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2016), pp. 107-30.

Studies in the History of the English Language, no. 7.

Seeks to "account for constraints governing Chaucer's syntactic inversions with a purpose to uncover Chaucer's underlying metrical principles," employing a combination of "optimality theory" and "Maxent Grammars" and analyzing "every tenth line" of the pentameter verse in the Riverside edition of Chaucer's works.

Chapman, Don, ed.
Moore, Colette, ed.
Wilcox, Miranda, ed.

Alternative Title
Generalizing vs. Particularizing Methodologies in Historical Linguistic Analysis

Chaucer Subjects
Style and Versification