Jankyn's Book of Wikked Wyves, Vol. 2, Seven Commentaries on Walter Map's "Dissuasio Valerii."

Author / Editor
Lawler, Traugott, and Ralph Hanna III, eds., using materials collected by Karl Young and Robert A. Pratt.

Jankyn's Book of Wikked Wyves, Vol. 2, Seven Commentaries on Walter Map's "Dissuasio Valerii."

Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2014.

Physical Description
xii, 605 pp.

The Chaucer Library.

Edits the seven known commentaries on Walter Map's "Letter of Valerius to His Friend Ruffinus, Dissuading Him from Marrying," with Latin-English facing pages and scholarly apparatus. The Introduction (pp. 1โ€“14) clarifies the importance of the material as a source for WBT and for Chaucer's Friar, placing it in the tradition of fraternal and procelibacy commentaries. Volume 1 was published in 1997.

Hanna, Ralph, III, ed.
Young, Karl.
Pratt. Robert A.

Alternative Title
Seven Commentaries on Walter Map's "Dissuasio Valerii."

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Friar and His Tale