Joseph Holland and the Idea of the Chaucerian Book.

Author / Editor
Cook, Megan L.

Joseph Holland and the Idea of the Chaucerian Book.

Manuscript Studies 1.2 (2017): 165-88.

Describes Joseph Holland's "thoroughgoing renovation" of the Chaucer manuscript he owned in the sixteenth century (now Cambridge University Library, MS Gg 4.27), detailing how he imitated the corpus and presentation found in Thomas Speght's 1598 edition of Chaucer's works, and exemplifying how transmission can affect "the way medieval books are read and preserved"--even though "[m]ost traces of Holland's involvement have been removed" in later restoration of Gg 4.27.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations