Chaucer's Swallow and Dove "Sittynge on a berne" ("MilT", I, 3258, "Pard Prol", VI, 397).

Author / Editor
Rowland, Beryl.

Chaucer's Swallow and Dove "Sittynge on a berne" ("MilT", I, 3258, "Pard Prol", VI, 397).

Notes and Queries 209 (1964): 48-49.

Argues that Chaucer's references to a swallow in Alison's song (MilT 1. 3257-58) and to a dove in the Pardoner's claim about preaching (PardP 6.397) are suggestive, and may well derive from his familiarity with the two birds.

Chaucer Subjects
Miller and His Tale
Pardoner and His Tale
Style and Versification