Chaucer's Use of Astrology for Poetic Imagery.

Author / Editor
Wood, Chauncey Derby.

Chaucer's Use of Astrology for Poetic Imagery.

Dissertation Abstracts International 25.05 (1964): A2970.

Describes medieval understanding of astrology and examines the "technical side of astrological passages in Chaucer" as well as their "meanings . . . in their poetic contexts. Includes discussion of FranT, Mars, GP, MilT, WBP, MerT, MLT, and ParsP.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Franklin and His Tale
Complaint of Mars
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Miller and His Tale
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Merchant and his Tale
Man of Law and His Tale
Parson and His Tale