Reconsidering Dunbar's "Sir Thomas Norny" and Chaucer's Tale of "Sir Thopas."

Author / Editor
Evans, Deanna Delmar.

Reconsidering Dunbar's "Sir Thomas Norny" and Chaucer's Tale of "Sir Thopas."

Studies in Scottish Literature 35-36 (2007): 444-54.

Critiques the appropriateness of the label "Scottish Chaucerian" for William Dunbar, focusing on relations between Chaucer's Th and Dunbar's "Sir Thomas Norny," observing that there is "no reason to assume" direct influence and identifying differences between the poems in genre, authorial intent, characterization, uses of allusion, and occasions for composition.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
Tale of Sir Thopas