Dreams in Chaucer.

Author / Editor
Sharma, Govind Narayan.

Dreams in Chaucer.

Indian Journal of English Studies 6 (1965): 1-18.

Describes medieval dream psychology, both medical and Macrobian, and summarizes the realism of dreams as narrative frame in Chaucer's dream visions (BD, HF, PF, and LGWP) and as device of characterization and dramatic irony when dreams are otherwise embedded in his narratives (KnT, TC, NPT). Praises Chaucer's "tremendous knowledge of medieval dream-lore" and his respect for dreams as "part of the mystery of creation."

Chaucer Subjects
Book of the Duchess
House of Fame
Parliament of Fowls
Legend of Good Women
Knight and His Tale
Troilus and Criseyde
Nun's Priest and His Tale