Selections from The Tales of Canterbury and Short Poems.

Author / Editor
Pratt, Robert A., ed.

Selections from The Tales of Canterbury and Short Poems.

Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1966.

Physical Description
xlvi, 401 pp.

Riverside Editions.

Edits CT (excluding Mel, MkT, SNT, CYT, and Pars), along with Ros, Form Age, Adam, Buk, Purse, and Truth, following the Robinson's edition of 1957, with modification from Manly and Rickert's collations. Marginal glosses and bottom-of-page notes accompany the text, followed by an end-of-text "Basic Glossary" (pp. 397-401). The Introduction (pp. vii-xxxvii) surveys Chaucer's life, works, techniques of characterization and verisimilitude in CT, and uses of source material, followed by commentary on order of the tales, Chaucer's language, and how to read Chaucer, as well as a brief critical bibliography.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations
Canterbury Tales--General
To Rosemounde
Former Age
Adam Scriveyn
Envoy to Bukton
Complaint of Chaucer to Hid Purse