The Wound and the Comforter: the Consolations of Geoffrey Chaucer.

Author / Editor
Dunleavy, Gareth W.

The Wound and the Comforter: the Consolations of Geoffrey Chaucer.

Papers on Language and Literature 3, supplement (1967): 14-27.

Explores the pervasiveness of the influence of Boethius's "Consolation of Philosophy" on Chaucer's works, noting its role as the source of Bo, summarizing its well-recognized impact on Chaucer's "discourses on providence, 'gentilesse,' and truth" in KnT, and TC, and arguing that it also influenced wound imagery in ABC, BD, TC, and MerT

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Knight and His Tale
Troilus and Criseyde
Book of the Duchess
Merchant and His Tale