English Dramatic Form: A History of Its Development.

Author / Editor
Bradbrook, M. C.

English Dramatic Form: A History of Its Development.

London: Chatto & Windus, 1965.

Physical Description
205 pp.

Surveys the history and development of English drama from the Renaissance to the modern period, emphasizing "the nature and effects" of plays and performance. Includes a chapter entitled "The Dream Vision from Chaucer to Shakespeare" (pp. 61-79), which discusses how Chaucer separated "'performance' of poetry from ordinary living" in BD, HF, PF and LGWP. Also includes a section (pp. 91-94) on parallels between TC and Shakespeare's "Troilus and Cressida."

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
Book of the Duchess
House of Fame
Parliament of Fowls
Legend of Good Women
Troilus and Criseyde