Wan qi zhong gu ying wen xie zuo yu wen hua ji yi/ji yi" ["Late Middle English Writing and Cultural Memory/Translation"]

Author / Editor
Yang, Mingcang Y. M.

Wan qi zhong gu ying wen xie zuo yu wen hua ji yi/ji yi" ["Late Middle English Writing and Cultural Memory/Translation"]

Sun Yat-Sen Journal of Humanities 32 (2012): 1–22.

In Chinese; item not seen. The subject listings and the notes in the record of the online MLA International Bibliography indicate that the essay treats HF, "Pearl," Lollard writing, and work(s) by George Herbert. The record also indicates that a summary in English is included in the journal.

Alternative Title
Late Middle English Writing and Cultural Memory/Translation.

Chaucer Subjects
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