Geoffrey Chaucer.
- Author / Editor
- Nelles, William, and Evelyn Newlyn.
Geoffrey Chaucer.
- Published
- Charles E. May, ed. Critical Survey of Short Fiction. 2nd rev. ed. Vol. 2, Italo Calvino--Louise Erdrich (Pasadena, Calif.: Salem, 2001), pp. 518-31.
- Description
- Introduces Chaucer's life and works, emphasizing the "scope and diversity" of his poetry. Describes each of his major works, and anatomizes CT as "one of the earliest collections of short stories of almost every conceivable type," describing the genres of KnT, MilT, RvT, PrT, PrT and NPT, WBT, ClT, MerT, and FranT. Includes a brief bibliography.
- Contributor
- Charles E. May, ed.
- Alternative Title
- Critical Survey of Short Fiction.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Background and General Criticism
Chaucer's Life
Canterbury Tales--General