The Poems of "Ch": Taxonomizing Literary Tradition.

Author / Editor
Strakhov, Elizaveta.

The Poems of "Ch": Taxonomizing Literary Tradition.

Emily Steiner and Lynn Ransom, eds. Taxonomies of Knowledge: Information and Order in Medieval Manuscripts (Philadelphia: The Schoenberg
Institute for Manuscript Studies, University of Pennsylvania Libraries, 2015), pp. 7-36.

Considers the appearance of the "mysterious inscription 'Ch'" beside several poems in MS Codex 902 in the University of Pennsylvania Libraries collection. Scholars have assumed that the "Ch" stands for Chaucer, but Strakhov argues that the poems are organized not by author, but by "the formal characteristics of French lyric," thus challenging earlier notions about the manuscript taxonomy.

Alternative Title
Taxonomies of Knowledge.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Chaucerian Apocrypha