On the Pitfalls of Interpretation: Latin Abbreviations in MSS of the "Man of Law's Tale."

Author / Editor
Rogos, Justyna.

On the Pitfalls of Interpretation: Latin Abbreviations in MSS of the "Man of Law's Tale."

Jacek Fisiak and Magdelena Bator, eds. Foreign Influences on Medieval English (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2011), pp. 47-54.

Distinguishes graphetic, graphemic, and "meaningful subgraphemic phenomena" in the Latin-based abbreviations of MLT manuscripts, using the data to demonstrate why the "Canterbury Tales" Project has elected not to expand abbreviations uniformly and thereby avoid levelling significant variants.

Jacek Fisiak and Magdelena Bator, eds

Alternative Title
Foreign Influences on Medieval English.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Man of Law and His Tale