The Visual Pragmatics of Code-Switching in Late Middle English Literature.

Author / Editor
Machan, Tim.

The Visual Pragmatics of Code-Switching in Late Middle English Literature.

Herbert Schendl and Laura Wright, eds. Code-Switching in Early English (Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2011), pp. 303-34.

Describes various ways that scribes used "visual pragmatics" (i.e., "bibliographic codes like rubrication, illumination, underscoring and so forth") to indicate code-switching in late medieval English literary manuscripts. Includes a comment on the use of French in ShT and briefly describes the representations of code-switching in manuscripts of TC and Bo. Discusses manuscripts of Piers Plowman and Gower's Confessio Amantis at length.

Alternative Title
Code-Switching in Early English.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies
Language and Word Studies
Shipman and His Tale
Troilus and Criseyde