"Qui bien aime a tarde oblie": Lemmata and Lists in the "Parliament of Fowls."

Author / Editor
Rust, Martha.

"Qui bien aime a tarde oblie": Lemmata and Lists in the "Parliament of Fowls."

Susanna Fein and David Raybin, eds. Chaucer: Visual Approaches (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2016), pp. 195-217.

Interprets red-ink underlining of lovers' and birds' names in the text of PF in Bodley 638 and Fairfax 16 as a "visual appeal to memory" that activates pedagogical frameworks of language acquisition from medieval grammar school curricula. Viewing these MS notations as "virtual lemmata" establishes the prospect of a "mental commentary" performed on Chaucer's text by fifteenth-century gentry readers and encouraged by PF's bookish persona.

Alternative Title
Chaucer: Visual Approaches.

Chaucer Subjects
Parliament of Fowls
Manuscripts and Textual Studies