Serving Time: The BBC "Knight's Tale"in the Prison-House of Free Adaptation.

Author / Editor
D'Arcens, Louise.

Serving Time: The BBC "Knight's Tale"in the Prison-House of Free Adaptation.

Kathleen Coyne Kelly and Tison Pugh, eds. Chaucer on Screen: Absence, Presence, and Adapting the "Canterbury Tales" (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2016), pp. 208-17.

Argues that the concern with reading and liberation in the BBC television version of KnT is "reflexive," mirroring the goals of the six-part series. The series' goal of "freeing" readers from "academic Chaucer" is paralleled by efforts to liberate the episode's male protagonists through education, but both are undercut by circular logic.

Alternative Title
Chaucer on Screen.

Chaucer Subjects
Recordings and Films
Knight and His Tale