L'Apoteosi di Arcita: Ideologia e Coscienza Storica nel "Teseida."

Author / Editor
Velli, Giuseppe.

L'Apoteosi di Arcita: Ideologia e Coscienza Storica nel "Teseida."

Studi e Problemi di Critica Testuale 5 (1972): 33-66.

Traces the classical and medieval sources (particularly Lucan and Boethius) of the ascent into the heavens of Arcita in Boccaccio's "Teseida," arguing that the author's efforts at historicizing classical attitudes are more than successful than Chaucer's in KnT, where the scene is expunged. Neither medieval writer escapes his contemporary outlooks, with Boccaccio reflecting courtly attitudes and Chaucer Christian ones.

Chaucer Subjects
Knight and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations