Gower's Narrative Art.

Author / Editor
Pearsall, Derek.

Gower's Narrative Art.

PMLA 81 (1966): 475-84.


Assesses Gower's virtues and achievements as a narrative poet rather than as a moralist in "Confessio Amantis," occasionally comparing and contrasting his techniques and accounts with analogous ones by Chaucer. Considers the frame of LGW to be inferior to Gower's in the "Confessio," which "released" Gower's narrative potential, much as the frame of CT did for Chaucer. Prefers Gower's accounts of Thisbe, Lucrece, and Philomela to those in LGW, but gauges Gower's tale of Florent, though successful, to be less sophisticated than WBT.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Canterbury Tales--General
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Legend of Good Women