Images of Chaucer 1386-1900.

Author / Editor
Brewer, D. S.

Images of Chaucer 1386-1900.

D. S. Brewer, ed. Chaucer and Chaucerians: Critical Studies in Middle English Literature (University: University of Alabama Press; London: Nelson, 1966), pp. 240-70.

Surveys the reception of Chaucer as a poet, century by century, commenting recurrently on the understanding and appreciation of his rhetoric and meter, humor and moral seriousness, linguistic obscurity, relations with sources, characterization, and intellectual achievements. Pays consistent attention to the understanding of Chaucer and the zeitgeist of the age in which the appreciation was produced.

Alternative Title
Chaucer and Chaucerians

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Chaucer's Influence