Satire: A Critical Anthology.

Author / Editor
Russell, John, and Ashley Brown, eds.

Satire: A Critical Anthology.

New York: World Publishing, 1967.

Physical Description
xxxiv, 420 pp.

Anthologizes samples of satire from classical to modern literature, arranged by genre (Prose and Drama, Verse, Epigrams), including modernizations (by Nevill Coghill) of FrPT and SumP under Verse. The Foreward (pp. xv-xxxiv) describes the "ingredients," development, and "moods" of satire, and the Introduction to Verse (pp. 271-79) clarifies Chaucer's place in the tradition.

Brown, Ashley, ed.
Coghill, Nevill, trans.

Chaucer Subjects
Friar and His Tale
Summoner and His Tale
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations