The Non-Comic "Merchant's Tale," Maximianus, and the Sources.

Author / Editor
Hartung, Albert E.

The Non-Comic "Merchant's Tale," Maximianus, and the Sources.

Mediaeval Studies 29 (1967): 1-25.

Evaluates MerT in light of its sources and analogues, including the "Miroir de Mariage," Boccaccio's "Ameto," and the "Elegies of Maximianus," the latter identified here as an analogue for the first time, with its presentation of "amorous senility that Chaucer would have known longest and most intimately." Focuses on the characterization of January and the pear tree episode, arguing that, although not bitterly satiric, MerT is "non-comic," a serious critique of human folly.

Chaucer Subjects
Merchant and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations