Chaucer's Use of the "Thebaid."

Author / Editor
Clogan, Paul M.

Chaucer's Use of the "Thebaid."

English Miscellany 18 (1967): 9-31.

Explores the "artistic impact" of Statius's "Thebaid" on Chaucer, particularly the influence of Statius's style and his "portrayal of the ideals of Theban antiquity," tracing Chaucer's allusions to and uses of the epic in Pity, BD, Mars, HF, Anel, TC, and KnT. Comments on the date of composition of HF.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Complaint unto Pity
Book of the Duchess
Complaint of Mars
House of Fame
Anellida and Arcite
Troilus and Crriseyde
Knight and His Tale