The Art of Chaucer's Franklin.

Author / Editor
Burlin, Robert B.

The Art of Chaucer's Franklin.

Neophilologus 51 (1967): 55-73.

Describes the Franklin's grasping "imitation of noble ways" in FranPT and in his GP description. The genre and rhetoric of the Tale are outdated, absurd, and/or obtrusive, while its depictions of ideals of marriage, gentility, and patience are either excessive or hollow, indicating that there is "something foolish and misdirected" in the tale-teller and his Tale. Considers adaptations of material from St. Jerome and echoes from the tales of the Wife of Bath, Clerk, and Knight.

Chaucer Subjects
Franklin and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Clerk and His Tale
Knight and His Tale