The Chaucerian Text of Jerome "Adversus Jovinianum": An Edition Based on Pembrock College, Cambridge, MS 234.

Author / Editor
Brennan, John Patrick, Jr.

The Chaucerian Text of Jerome "Adversus Jovinianum": An Edition Based on Pembrock College, Cambridge, MS 234.

Dissertation Abstracts International 28.11 (1968): 4622-23A.

Describes the influence of Jerome's "Adversus Jovinianum" on Chaucer, especially in FranT and WBP, and explains why the Pembrock MS 234, edited here, is "closer to Chaucer's source manuscript than any of the other" forty-two manuscripts considered for this study.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Franklin and His Tale