"Basu no nyobo no monogatari no fusawashi-sa-ko" ("The Fitness of The Wife of Bath's Tale").

Author / Editor
Takana, Hidekuni.

"Basu no nyobo no monogatari no fusawashi-sa-ko" ("The Fitness of The Wife of Bath's Tale").

Bulletin of Seikei University 46 (2011): 13–22.

Compares WBT with its Middle English analogues and comments on the relations between WBPT and ShT. http://repository.seikei.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/10928/86/1/bungaku-46_13-22.pdf (accessed January 12, 2016). In Japanese.

Alternative Title
The Fitness of "The Wife of Bath's Tale."

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Shipman and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations