Beaten for a Book: Domestic and PedagogicViolence in The "Wife of Bath's Prologue."

Author / Editor
Parsons, Ben.

Beaten for a Book: Domestic and PedagogicViolence in The "Wife of Bath's Prologue."

Studies in the Age of Chaucer 37 (2015): 163–94.

Identifies relations between domestic and pedagogical violence in WBP, establishing that its vocabulary is "redolent of the classroom" and arguing that Jankyn's treatment of Alison grants her agency, albeit unintentionally. Describes the motivations and restrictions of wife-beating and student-beating in medieval discourse and assesses how in the final altercation in WBP the contradictions between two sets of prescribed limits on violence reveal awareness of the need for disciplinary restraint.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Language and Word Studies