Ellipsis in English Literature: Signs of Omission.

Author / Editor
Toner, Anne.

Ellipsis in English Literature: Signs of Omission.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Physical Description
x, 255 pp.

Studies various kinds of narrative suspension and ellipsis in English literature, and includes comments on a reference to SqT in the expository essay that accompanies the Gothic tale "Sir Bertram, a Fragment" (1773). Connects the essay with Thomas Tyrwhitt's edition of CT (1775) where asterisks "first appear" at the end of SqT, and surmises that the editorial history of the tale would have differed if there had been "an explicit mark of interruption in the medieval orthographic repertoire."

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism
Squire and His Tale
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations
Manuscripts and Textual Studies