El frau de l'alquimista en l'infern dantesc de Joan Pasqual i en la tradicio medieval.

Author / Editor
Gomez, Francesc J.

El frau de l'alquimista en l'infern dantesc de Joan Pasqual i en la tradicio medieval.

Magnificat: Cultura i literature medievals 2 (2015): 159–96.

Taking as a starting-point the study of a chapter from the "Tractat de les penes particulars d'infern" by Joan Pasqual (c. 1436), traces the dissemination (and the "stemma narrationum") of two narrative motifs: the fake alchemist and the king (Thompson, K.111.4), and the account-book of mistakes or fools (Thompson, J.1371), and places CYT within this tradition.

Chaucer Subjects
Canon's Yeoman and His Tale
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations