The Bad Behaviour of Friars and Women in Medieval Catalan Fabliaux and Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales."

Author / Editor
Mendez, Jeronimo.

The Bad Behaviour of Friars and Women in Medieval Catalan Fabliaux and Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales."

Skepsi 3, no. 1 (2010): 52–63.

Identifies "new Romance analogues" for details in GP, MilT, WBPT, PardT, ShT, and ParsT in three fifteenth-century Catalan narratives: "Disputa de l'ase" ("The Argument of the Ass") by Anselm Turmeda, the "Llibre de fra Bernat" ("Book of Friar Bernard") by Francesc de la Via, and the nonymous "Col-loqui de dames" ("Symposium of Women").

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Miller and His Tale
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Pardoner and His Tale
Shipman and His Tale
Parson and His Tale