The Rhetoric of Narration: A Study of Narrative Intrusion in Chaucer's Tales of the Squire, Manciple, Merchant and Nun's Priest.

Author / Editor
Daye, Mary Louise.

The Rhetoric of Narration: A Study of Narrative Intrusion in Chaucer's Tales of the Squire, Manciple, Merchant and Nun's Priest.

Dissertation Abstracts International 29.02 (1968): 563-64A.

Surveys rhetorical criticism of Chaucer, exploring medieval and modern concepts of rhetoric, and assesses the "interruption by a pilgrim of his own narrative" in SqT, ManT, MerT, and NPT for the ways that such interruptions help to characterize the narrators.

Chaucer Subjects
Squire and His Tale
Manciple and His Tale
Merchant and His Tale
Nun's Priest and His Tale