Stanza and Ictus: Chaucers Emphasis in Troilus and Criseyde."

Author / Editor
Stanley, E. G.

Stanza and Ictus: Chaucers Emphasis in Troilus and Criseyde."

Arno Esch, ed. Chaucer und Seine Zeit: Symposion für Walter F. Schirmer (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1968), pp. 121-48.

Examines Chaucer's stanzaic and metrical dexterity in TC, discussing how and with what effects he bridges stanza breaks and how he creates emphasis through repetitions, rhyme pairs, caesuras, enjambment, narratorial disavowals, and shifting of climax within rhyme royal. Acknowledges the role of reading aloud in perceiving such emphases and suggests that "special and pivotal emphasis" resides in the final lines of stanzas, particularly in the metrically stressed syllable that precedes the caesura in final lines.

Alternative Title
Chaucer und Seine Zeit

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde
Style and Versification