Three Song Cycles

Author / Editor
Vaughan Williams, Ralph.

Three Song Cycles

Franklin Lakes, N. J.: Desto Records, 1970.

Physical Description
Sound recording; LP record (DC-6482A).

Side one includes a recording of Chaucer's MercB, set to music by Vaughn Williams, and sung by Lois Winter (soprano), accompanied by Marvin Morgenstern (violin), Hiroko Yajima Rhodes (violin), and John Goberman (cello). An inner sheet includes the text of Chaucer's poem, and the jacket notes describe the poem as "three rondels attributed to Chaucer," dating the first performance of the musical piece to October 21, 1921 (in "London's Aeolian Hall"). The LP also includes "Along the Field" (set to words by A. E. Housman) and "Ten Blake Songs."

Chaucer Subjects
Recordings and Films
Merciles Beaute.
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion