The Mutilated Body: The Relationship between the Oaths and the Relics in the 'Pardoner's Tale'

Author / Editor
Tamakawa, Asumi.

The Mutilated Body: The Relationship between the Oaths and the Relics in the 'Pardoner's Tale'

Koichi Kano, ed. Through the Eyes of Chaucer: Essays in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Society for Chaucer Studies (Kawasaki: Asao Press, 2014), pp. 125-37.

Examines connotations of words concerning oaths and mutilation of body in PardT in relation to contemporary attitudes toward the worship of relics. In Japanese.

Alternative Title
Through the Eyes of Chaucer: Essays in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Society for Chaucer Studies.

Chaucer Subjects
Pardoner and His Tale
Language and Word Studies