'This' as a Pragmatic Marker and the Social Classes of Narrators in the 'Canterbury Tales'

Author / Editor
Tanabe, Harumi.

'This' as a Pragmatic Marker and the Social Classes of Narrators in the 'Canterbury Tales'

Koichi Kano, ed. Through the Eyes of Chaucer: Essays in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Society for Chaucer Studies (Kawasaki: Asao Press, 2014), pp. 185-200.

Investigates the frequency and function of "this" as a pragmatic marker in MilT, RvT, FranT, KnT, PrT, and MerT, in relation to each narrator's social class and narrative genre. In Japanese.

Alternative Title
Through the Eyes of Chaucer: Essays in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Society for Chaucer Studies.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies
Knight and His Tale
Miller and His Tale
Reeve and His Tale
Merchant and His Tale
Franklin and His Tale
Prioress and Her Tale