'His lady grace' and the Performance of the Squire

Author / Editor
Farrell, Thomas J.

'His lady grace' and the Performance of the Squire

John M. Hill, Bonnie Wheeler, and R. F. Yeager, eds. Essays on Aesthetics and Medieval Literature in Honor of Howell Chickering (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2014), pp. 142-64.

Studies over 15,000 occurences of n-stem and r-stem nouns in the "Corpus of Middle English Verse and Prose," and uses the information to assess "his lady grace" (GP 1.88) and the incoherences in the Squire's performance of "chivalry," "courtliness," and "feudal duty." Claims that the Squire's incoherence resides both in his behavior and in the performativity he pursues.

Alternative Title
Essays on Aesthetics and Medieval Literature in Honor of Howell Chickering.

Chaucer Subjects
Squire and His Tale
Language and Word Studies