Chaucer's Gentils in their Age, [Parts1-3]

Author / Editor
Hira, Toshinori.

Chaucer's Gentils in their Age, [Parts1-3]

Bulletin of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Nagasaki University, Humanities 26.2 (1986): 43-57; 27.2 (1987): 1-17; 28.2 (1988): 1-15.

Part 1 describes the Canterbury pilgrims that qualify as "gentils" by birth, education, or accomplishment (Knight, Prioress, Monk, Squire, Franklin, Merchant, Guildsmen, Sergeant of Law, Physician, Parson, and Nun's Priest), explaining details of their GP descriptions and commenting on their moral status. Part 2 summarizes changes in late-medieval English society that influenced the rising status of "new men" who augmented the traditional aristocracy in political affairs. Part 3 explores Chaucer's lack (relative to Gower and Froissart) of overt criticism of "gentil" pilgrims in light of contemporary events, Chaucer's life, and his social position.

Chaucer Subjects
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Chaucer's Life
Background and General Criticism