Kalenderes Enlumyned Ben They. Some Astronomical Themes in Chaucer (Parts [I]-III)

Author / Editor
North, J. D.

Kalenderes Enlumyned Ben They. Some Astronomical Themes in Chaucer (Parts [I]-III)

Review of English Studies 20 (1969): 129-54, 257-83, 418-44.

Shows that Chaucer's references to "planetary, solar, and lunar configurations, " though usually "veiled," add complex dimensions to his plots and may help us to establish dates for several of his works; discusses Mars, TC, PF, LGW (Hypermnestra), and portions of CT (KnT, MLPT, WBP, MerT, FranT, SqT, NPT, and ParsP). Also describes Chaucer's knowledge of astrology and astronomy, considering Astr, his uses of technical almanacs and calendars (particularly that of Nicholas of Lynn), and the possibility that he wrote Equat. Includes a Select Glossary of technical terms (pp. 135-37).

Chaucer Subjects
Complaint of Mars
Troilus and Criseyde
Parliament of Fowls
Legend of Good Women
Knight and His Tale
Man of Law and His Tale
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Merchant and His Tale
Franklin and His Tale
Squire and HIs Tale
Nun's Priest and His Tale
Parson and His Tale
Treatise on the Astrolabe
Equatorie of the Planetis
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Chaucer's Life
Language and Word Studies