'Cast up the Curtyn': A Tentative Exploration into the Meaning of the Wife of Bath's Tale

Author / Editor
Gillam, D.

'Cast up the Curtyn': A Tentative Exploration into the Meaning of the Wife of Bath's Tale

A. P. Treweek, ed. Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 1969. Proceedings and Papers of the Twelfth Congress Held at the University of Western Australia, 5-11 February 1969 ([Sydney]: AULLA, 1970), pp, 435-55.

Explores the "fruyt" and "chaf" of WBT, arguing that it is "eminently suited" to the character established in GP and WBP, that the teller manipulates her narrative material intentionally, and that Chaucer signals her tendentiousness. The female characters of WBT reflect "three aspects" of womanhood, the pastourelle tradition underlying the plot conveys cupidity, and the gentilesse speech, charity, through which Chaucer's gets the "last laugh" on the Wife.

Alternative Title
Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 1969. Proceedings and Papers of the Twelfth Congress Held at the University of Western Australia, 5-11 February 1969.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale